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June 17, 2020

The Partner Potential: What Worldcom Means To Us

At True Digital Communications, we continuously strive to provide the best possible service and experience for our clients. That being said, we couldn’t do it alone. Over the past nine years, The Worldcom Public Relations Group has played an important role in our success.

Worldcom is a global network of 85 Partners that is designed to allow agencies around the globe to fine-tune their expertise by learning and collaborating with others in the association. Being a part of Worldcom allows agencies to build long-lasting relationships and grow as an agency.

One of the biggest benefits we get from being part of this extraordinary global network is the opportunity to learn from other Partners. There is tremendous value in knowledge. Worldcom has allowed us at True to grow as professionals and industry leaders by becoming more educated in our field. As a Partner, we are given the proper tools and resources to create positive client experiences and excel in our projects.

Partners are generous with their time and resources. Many of the Partners, like True, specialize in certain areas of marketing communications and PR. When we have a client looking for something outside of our areas of expertise, we tap our Worldcom partners for support and we collaborate to get the best results for our clients.

Worldcom has become a support system. It creates an environment that allows us to lean on each other in the good times and the bad. To help and to teach. To learn and to listen.

Being a Worldcom Partner has been the difference for us and becoming a Partner has been one of the best decisions we have ever made. We will forever be #WorldcomStrong.

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