April 19, 2017
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3 Benefits of Having a Dog in the Office

Meet Murphy: True Digital Communications' official mascot. He is friendly, fun and a bit crazy at times. He loves taking naps in his bean bag chair, eating treats and gets overly excited when the mailman stops by. But you might be asking yourself, why are you writing about a pug in the office? We're glad you asked! We've found that being a dog-friendly office has many benefits! Here's why:

  1. Relieves stress- At times your workload can become heavy and breaks seem unrealistic. Having a dog sitting at your feet can definitely reduce some of that stress. A two minute snuggle session or even a short walk can be exactly what you need to refresh your brain and get on with your work.
  2. Breaks the ice- There are numerous people in and out of the office daily. With client visits and internship interviews, having a dog in the office is a great conversation starter. (Just make sure they like dogs before you begin the introductions.)
  3. Brings the office together- Usually during lunch breaks the team congregates where Murphy is. He allows everyone in the office to bond over something, even if it means watching him attempt to get treats out of his toys. He sparks casual conversations and definitely adds humor to the office. And on days where you have to stay late to finish up a report, having a pug in your lap makes it so much better!

Of course having a dog in the office does come with some precautions. Always make sure you have a pet friendly environment and a well trained pet. Also, be sure to let visitors know that there is a dog around because believe it or not, not everyone is a dog person. Lastly, before bringing your dog to work, make sure to check with your co-workers and management to make sure there's no allergies or pet restrictions in the office. Murphy the pug makes days in the office fun and entertaining. He creates an exciting and positive atmosphere to work in. Just one look in his eyes can make your workload seem lighter and turn your stressful mood into a positive one. Not to mention, Murphy is just another reason True Digital is the place to be! Is your office dog friendly?

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