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June 22, 2017

3 Ways to Stay Productive at Work This Summer

Warm weather is finally here and with that comes all the joys of summer: BBQ’s, swimming, vacations, late sunsets, baseball games - you name it! But one thing that tends to creep up during this time is a lack of productivity at work. And can we blame you? Absolutely not. When the weather outside is beautiful, and yet you’re stuck inside behind your desk, it’s hard to stay focused. Follow these tips and you’ll be outside in no time!

  1. Take a Sunshine Break: We all get caught looking out the windows, especially in the summer. Try the 50/10 rule where you work on a task for 50 minutes and follow that with 10 minutes of a mental break. During that 10 minutes, you could go outside for a quick walk around the building and get a little dose of vitamin D. You wouldn’t believe how beneficial a quick outside break will be for your productivity and happiness.
  1. Drink More Water: The never-ending pot of coffee at work is a great perk, but the downside is that you’re probably not drinking enough water. Even if you’re only slightly dehydrated, it can cause cognitive side effects and mess with your work capacity. Try swapping out a few cups of joe for a big glass of cold water to stay hydrated and focused.
  1. Manage Time Wasters: We all check our phones and access social media sites constantly throughout the day. While it’s great to keep up with your friends & family while they’re on vacation, you certainly aren’t helping your productivity. If you don’t have the willpower to *not* check your phone, there are several tools that can help! Selfcontrol will block access to specific websites like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail- all set by you, for whatever period of time you think will be best for your productivity. And if that’s not enough, Freedom will disable your Internet connection completely for the specific time frame you choose.

If you find yourself staring out of your window at work more than usual, give these three tips a try to stay productive this summer. Have any tips that you’ve had success with? We’d love to hear them.

p.s. Team True is celebrating the summer with a Spotify playlist! Each team member submitted their favorite songs of summer for this epic playlist! We hope you enjoy it!

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