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April 19, 2012

A Brief (visual) Guide to Facebook Insights

A lot of marketers disagree on which Facebook Insights are important.  But isn’t it important to understand what the numbers mean before deciding how to evaluate a campaign? Different campaigns require different metrics. Even an extremely broad metric like impressions can have relevance for paid ad campaigns.

The infographic below shows the relationship between each of the social network’s primary metrics. Each one can be broken down further into organic, viral and paid. They can also be sliced by day, week and month (most recent 28 days).This  infographic also shows how each smaller metric is a part of a larger one. Since every Facebook page is different, it’s impossible to make a perfect scale model. Instead, circles sizes show a general relationship in number recorded by each metric for the average page.

*To see the infographic in its entirety, click on the image.

Facebook Insights infographic

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