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January 13, 2023

Get Ahead With These Trade Show Tactics

How to Generate Excitement Before a Trade Show

Trade shows give you a great opportunity to connect with your audience in person and show off what makes your product or service shine. Once you've set your trade show goals, it's time to get people excited to visit your booth.

While general foot traffic is inevitable, it doesn't mean everyone stopping by will be qualified leads. The trick is to start generating buzz about your booth weeks ahead of the show. When you get potential customers thinking about your brand early on, they’ll make a point to seek you out. And that gives you a better chance to meet your objectives.

Let's dive into some tips to help you build that pre-show excitement.

Hype Up Your Brand on Social Media

Social media is where your target audience is, so use it to your advantage! Start promoting your trade show presence early on. But don't just state your attendance—give them a reason to visit your booth.

Share sneak peeks of what you plan to cover at your booth. Tease out promotions or giveaway offers. Mention your booth number, and stay active on social channels while the show is happening in real time. Use every chance you get to keep momentum rolling!

Use Email Marketing to Build Excitement

Don't let your email list sit around and collect dust. Use email marketing to let your audience know that you'll be at a trade show. Adjust your messaging to be similar to what you're sharing on social media so everything is cohesive.

One thing to keep in mind is ensuring the audiences you're contacting are relevant to the trade show. Tailor your message to the people most likely to attend. Keep your emails short, relevant, and engaging, with a strong call-to-action that directs recipients straight to your booth.

Stand Out with Geofencing Advertising

If you're looking to try something a little different, geofencing advertising campaigns is a smart move for trade show marketing. It allows you to send targeted ads to mobile devices within a specific physical location—like the trade show venue itself!

It’s a perfect marketing tool for brand awareness and drawing foot traffic directly to your booth. Start these campaigns a day or two before the event and ramp up during the show to make sure you’re top of mind.

Don't Forget to Connect with Editors

While you’re at the trade show, don’t miss the opportunity to network with publication editors. These are some of the most critical people you'll want to connect with at the event. They can help create buzz around your brand, so make sure you reach out before the event to schedule meetings.  

Editors typically look for new products to highlight, so bring something newsworthy. 

Designate a spokesperson who can take the lead on talking to editors. Offer them basic media training and talking points they should focus on. Then, arm them with press materials to keep conversations focused and on track.

Make Your Book a Must-see

Incorporating these strategies into your trade show marketing plan will make sure you're not just another booth at the show. Instead, you’ll be on everyone’s "must-see" list. From social media hype and email outreach and geofencing advertising, each strategy brings you closer to your goals. Whether you’re focused on lead generation at trade shows or raising brand awareness, these tips will give you the edge you need.

Need help fine-tuning your trade show marketing plan? The team at True Digital Communications is ready to help you shine at your next event. We’re experts when it comes to trade show marketing and public relations.

Let's connect to discuss how we can support your goals!

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