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November 30, 2015

True –ly Thankful

The older I get the more I appreciate and realize how much I love Thanksgiving Day and the holiday season that follows. It’s not about the physical gifts we give and receive on Christmas and Hanukkah. It’s about the gifts that people give of themselves, their skills, their time and their experience every day.

Personally, giving is very important to me. A kind word, a helping hand and yes, financial support can make all of the difference. It is also part of our culture at True Digital Communications. It’s how we work together and with our clients. It’s also why one of our core areas of expertise is working with not-for-profits. We help them embrace and understand digital communications so they can be successful in supporting their missions. We celebrate in their success too.

I have so much to be thankful for when I look at our team and the success we have enjoyed over the past 12 months and the previous five years. I firmly believe success doesn’t happen by accident and that you often create your own luck. I am very thankful to be surrounded by a team of talented, like-minded individuals who make me a better person and leader every day. I couldn’t do it without them.

Rarely are you lucky enough to work with a great team. It is even rarer to work with a partnership of people found all over the world. I am very thankful for our bigger team of partners in the Worldcom Public Relations Group. This partnership of 143 independent agencies, in 115 cities with more than 2,000 communications professionals working around the world is a big part of our success today and tomorrow. Through Worldcom, we help our clients and support them with services and intelligence we wouldn’t have otherwise. In return, we get to work with topnotch individuals who love what they do as much as we do. I don’t know of another business organization where everyone is so willing to pitch in and help one another or as appreciative for the help we give each other.

My goal for today and to every one who reads my thoughts is to make every day Thanksgiving. Be thankful for what you have. Be thankful for the friends and family in your life. It’s these relationships that truly define who you are and if you’re truly lucky, they will be just as thankful for you and you are for them.

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