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February 1, 2018

True's Spring Intern Has Arrived

Meet Gretchen Weger, True’s new content intern for the spring semester. It’s become a tradition to ask our newest team members to share a little about themselves, and Gretchen has obliged with a quick peek into what she likes to do in her free time and where she sees herself in the future.

School: Kent State University, Ohio University alumna

Major: My undergraduate degree from was in communication studies with a minor in marketing. I am currently wrapping up my final semester of graduate school with a focus on computer-mediated and interpersonal communication.

Year: Second-year master’s student

Other internship experience: I interned with KEMBA Financial Credit Union in Columbus, Ohio as a marketing intern where I helped plan and execute the company’s social media strategy. This internship also gave me a chance to organize community events at our branches across the city and help with marketing research. I am also a blog contributor for the health and wellness podcast Wine & Shine.

Do you have any hobbies? I love to cook! I’m currently on a tour of the world, culinary style. A few of the countries I’ve made traditional dishes from include: Panama, Sudan, Lebanon, and Samoa. I also spend a lot of time on the Portage County bike trails walking my dog, Milo.

What are 3 fun facts about you?

  • I was born in Jackson, Mississippi but moved to Ohio when I was three.
  • My most memorable New Year’s Eve was spent at a palace in Vienna (which will probably never happen again!).
  • In addition to my dog Milo, I also have two snuggly cats.

What’s your favorite food? I love sweet potatoes… I could eat them every day!

What do you hope to gain from your internship at True? I want to gain insight into agency life and the experience of tailoring content for the unique needs of each client. This internship will give me the hands-on experience to see where my strengths lie and what areas I can improve so that I have a strong start to my professional career.

What made you interested in an internship at True? I am fascinated by the world of digital communication, which is why I am studying computer-mediated communication in my graduate program. True is putting the theoretical tools I’ve learned during my studies into action and share the belief that digital communication is the key to growth and future success. I love that True is growing and looking to build a team of innovative and passionate people!

Where do you want to be in ten years? I hope to continue growing and learning new skills to be a budding expert in digital marketing. I would also like to be at the point where I am able to share my skills and knowledge with other young professionals who are eager to begin their careers in agency work. I will still be walking Milo on the Portage County bike trails in ten years too J

Welcome, Gretchen! We hope you enjoy your time at True.

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